2023 has been a rewarding and challenging year for The New Philanthropists (TNP) in Austin, Texas. We are celebrating our 5th year of existence, and we have seen our community-focused on building equity and inclusion on nonprofit boards continue to grow with investments from businesses and nonprofits willing to do the work. And the most exciting news is we were able to move into our first new market this year and build momentum in Houston.
For more highlights, check out our 2023 Impact Report here.
If you are still getting familiar with the work of TNP, we are an organization that cultivates diversity, equity, and inclusion values on nonprofit boards to be more effective stewards of public trust so that their communities are better served.
The work of nonprofits can be life-changing for a city, a community, or a single person, from providing life-saving treatments to building dynamic programs with wrap-around services for families in need. This critical work is enhanced when we go against the status quo in our nonprofit leadership. We can not expect nonprofits to do transformational work when their leadership lacks lived experience, diversity, and accountability. For example, 60%* of nonprofits serve people of color, yet 78%* nonprofit board members report as Caucasian. This disparity means most nonprofit organizations that serve people of color lack the proper representation at the leadership level where crucial decisions are made. TNP is more than an organization that trains nonprofit boards. We actively help build the infrastructure to equip and enable diverse leaders to serve on boards efficiently and effectively with sustainable strategies, mentorship, and networks. Our communities need representation in the nonprofits that serve them.
We look forward to what is in store in 2024. However, the attack on equity in Austin and Texas is misguided and hurts organizations whose goal is to improve outcomes in our community where diversity of leadership is lacking. If you are interested in supporting the work of TNP with an end-of-year contribution of $25, $100, $250, or $1,000, this will continue to help us build a sustainable organization that is focused on making our communities stronger together or become a monthly donor, and join the NEW CREW.