Impactful Work Translates: TNP’s Houston expansion

From the inception of TNP, we always envisioned having a national presence where you can connect with leaders of color from D.C, San Francisco to San Antonio. And Austin being home, we’ve been able to develop a comprehensive approach to equity, inclusion and diversity among Austin nonprofits and it has allowed us to test programs and models that we’ve researched and created from the bottom up. 

We understand that even two cities, in Texas, are nothing alike. There are issues that are similar but most cities in America are culturally and socially unique in their own ways. And the nonprofit and community sector is no different. 

When we hit year five in Austin, we knew it was worth exploring moving into a new market, and we’re thankful that we’ve had community champions who agreed. So over the last year and half we’ve been meeting with activists and community leaders while exploring opportunities in a new market for TNP. 

Houston is considered the most diverse city in America and has a long history of immigration, longstanding nonprofit sector, economic opportunities and reflecting what America will look like in the years to come. These are just some of the reasons why it only seems right that Houston was first on our list for expansion. 

In all the work we do, being prescriptive can hinder equity. Our focus has been on relationship building and learning how to support and collaborate with communities of color and nonprofits. We know that this work is a journey, and we can not do this work alone. Our approach for expansion includes the following:

And we’re excited to share that through the funding of JP Morgan Chase, we’re working with two nonprofits in Houstin including Care Partners and College Community Career. Their boards are going through our First Look Program that helps organizations prepare for the transformational process, or change, required to increase diversity on their boards. Join us on our journey in Austin, Houston and beyond. Send us a note if you’d like to collaborate.

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