TNP Board Prospect Recruitment Mixer

We hosted a great Q&A with Ali Khataw & Emlyn Lee at our Asian Communities Meet-up. We discussed ways Asians can get connected to mainstream nonprofits, board service and leadership as well as identity issues and how to represent the many cultures and voices of Austin Asians on nonprofit boards. Thank you to our our community partners Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce, Kinokuniya Bookstore […]

TNP Nonprofit Assessment Kick-Off Event

Earum id animi sequi iusto est perferendis est eius voluptatem molestiae velit vitae similique possimus iure officia laudantium iste earum et mollitia laborum alias occaecati qui blanditiis rerum omnis modi velit et necessitatibus magni ut itaque vero autem consequuntur quia ipsa aspernatur saepe cumque excepturi libero nisi aliquid quo necessitatibus sed itaque soluta.

TNP Mosaic Award Winner

In 2018, Mando Rayo, Monica Maldonado Williams, and Kazique Prince were on hand to accept one of the inaugural Mosaic Awards. The awards honored organizations and businesses advancing diversity and inclusion efforts in Austin. 

Nonprofit Assessment Info-session

On Thursday, we presented the first opportunity for nonprofits to get involved with our work. So many nonprofits are eager to improve the diversity of their boards, but, as we stated that afternoon, there are no shortcuts. There’s so much more work to be done.  We believe that improving diversity constitutes a major change to an organization’s processes and culture, […]

Seeking People of Color for your nonprofit board?

“Do you know any Hispanics (*Latinos), Black leaders in Austin?” This is a very common question or request we get from Austin nonprofits. If you’re looking to become a more inclusive organization and reach people from Black, Latino or Asian communities, you’re asking the wrong question.  Understanding of and access to underrepresented communities and cultures is an asset all nonprofits […]

After 25 Years of Talk, It’s Time to Act on Diversity

Full Chronicle of Philanthropy article where The New Philanthropists is quoted on the need for nonprofit organizations to become more inclusive.  Board qualifications need to be reassessed so that they emphasize cultural understanding of the communities the organization is serving, which should result in more people of color on boards, says Mando Rayo, founder of the New Philanthropists, an organization aiming […]

After 25 Years of Talk, It’s Time to Act on Diversity

Board qualifications need to be reassessed so that they emphasize cultural understanding of the communities the organization is serving, which should result in more people of color on boards, says Mando Rayo, founder of the New Philanthropists, an organization aiming to find 100 people of color who are ready for board service in Austin, Tx. Read More…

TNP Launch of Recruitment of Leaders of Color

On December 6th, we hosted 65 of the city’s most engaged Leaders of Color to share The New Philanthropists action plan and invite them to participate. The event served as a launchpad to our work in recruiting 100 People of Color to serve on mainstream nonprofit boards.  Thank you St. David’s Foundation for supporting our work and Bank of America & One Voice Central Texas for […]